Non financial information
This report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the European Non-Financial Disclosure Directive and provides balanced information on the evolution of the MYTILINEOS performance, as well as a description of the main sustainable development risks and challenges given the size of the organization and the complexity of its activities. The information presented throughout the report, focuses on the thematic aspects, as defined in the "Non-Financial Information Report" of circular 62784/2017, in accordance with the provisions of Law 4403/2016 in conjunction with the provisions of Law 4308/2014 concerning the material Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) topics of the Company. The report’s data refer to the four Business
The timely response of MYTILINEOS to the
From the beginning of the pandemic outbreak, MYTILINEOS managed to react quickly and effectively. The company, acting responsibly and maintaining strict vigilance, implemented a multifaceted action plan that supported its human resources by setting their safety as a priority. MYTILINEOS kept all its production units in operation while contributing to the national effort to deal with the pandemic crisis. The primary objectives of MYTILINEOS, for which it allocated more than €4 million in 2021, were:
1) To safeguard the health of its employees and their safety at work, as well as the health of their families. From 2020 MYTILINEOS (a) set up a special team (Covid Management Team) that undertook the monitoring of the pandemic, the assessment of the risks and their management in order to protect its employees, (b) prepared a comprehensive preventive action plan two weeks before the first confirmed case in the country (c) constantly informed its employees and associates about the implementation of personal hygiene rules with clear instructions from the competent international and domestic agencies (d) activated teleworking from the first month of the pandemic (e) proceeded to the creation of a special microsite "
2) To ensure the Company’s continuous operation. The main goal of MYTILINEOS was to continue its operation. In this context, MYTILINEOS (a) maintained the operation of Business Continuity plans with targeted measures for its production units, which remain in full effect and are adapted according to the latest updates; (b) maintained a communication and management network consisting of special teams, in all Company facilities in Greece and abroad (c) regularly reviewed the need for business trips and for visits to production units as well as in the retail stores of Protergia (d) applied special precautions for sales employees and customers, (e) continued the implementation of its investment program.
In conclusion, MYTILINEOS, with the holistic approach that it has applied and continues to apply for mitigating the impacts of the pandemic and ensuring its business continuity, maintains the guarantees required by its investors. At the same time, with ambitious business decisions, the Company is taking advantage of the opportunities emerging from the health crisis and accelerates its progress towards an even stronger green economy.
Sustainable Development Strategy
Sustainable Development is an integral part of the "corporate DNA" of MYTILINEOS and, therefore of its long-term business strategy. It is the driving force through which the Company aspires to remain competitive in the long term, to meet contemporary challenges and, by developing appropriate partnerships, to contribute to a new and efficient model of socially inclusive growth, as it is reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Sustainable Development strategy aims at creating long-term and sustainable value for its shareholders and other Stakeholder groups, through a holistic approach that combines economic stability with social and environmental Sustainability. It is implemented on three basic levels that are inseparable from one another and is governed by specific Principles that ensure completeness (Materiality Principle), quality (Stakeholder Inclusiveness Principle) and transparency (Accountability Principle) across all its activities.
The Company's new strategy is implemented on three basic levels that are inseparable from one another and is governed by specific Principles that ensure completeness (Materiality Principle), quality (Stakeholder Inclusiveness Principle) and transparency (Accountability Principle) across all its activities.
More specifically:
The first level focuses on the Company's commitment to adapting to and tackling climate change as well as its contribution to a new low-emissions economy. MYTILINEOS was the first Greek industrial company to set specific, measurable and ambitious targets for reducing CO2 emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, thus setting carbon footprint reduction as a priority in its new Sustainable Development strategy . In addition, the creation of the new Business Units of the Company oriented towards the dynamic development of sustainable development projects internationally (Renewables & Storage Development BU, and Sustainable Engineering Solutions BU) is predicted to play, in the coming years, a significant role in the energy transition and in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions globally, giving MYTILINEOS the opportunity to scale up its positive impact and become one of the leading companies in the global market in this area.
The second level highlights MYTILINEOS’ systematic approach to the monitoring, optimal management, and disclosure of information about ESG risks and opportunities that affect its performance and its efforts to implement its strategy. Through the ESG approach, MYTILINEOS strengthens its ability to create long-term value and manage significant changes in the environment in which it operates. This way, it responds to the current sustainability requirements of investors, capital markets and financial institutions, as well as to society’s expectations of commitment and transparency regarding these issues, which are becoming more intense.
The third level expresses the responsible operation of MYTILINEOS, which has been systematically cultivated over the last 13 years through the implementation of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy and the Company’s commitment to the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact. For MYTILINEOS, CSR is an ongoing self-improvement and incessant learning process, while it also serves as a key mechanism for renewing its "social" license to operate and, at the same time, improves its competitiveness at national and international level.
New Sustainability operating model After the completion of the Sustainable Development strategy, MYTILINEOS undertook a special study for the configuration of its functional structure in order to further integrate sustainability in its operations and culture. In this regard, a new Board Sustainable Development Committee was established which has the overall oversight of the implementation of the Company's sustainable development strategy. In parallel, in each Business Unit, the new special roles of "Sustainability leader" and "Sustainability / ESG initiative owner" were created, for the organization, implementation and monitoring of the individual action plans of sustainability initiatives in collaboration with the General Division of Corporate Governance & Sustainable Development. In addition, in the final decision stage, ESG criteria are integrated in key management processes of MYTILINEOS, as for example: in the performance management system, in the evaluation of investment projects, in the annual budgeting process, in the evaluation of existing and future suppliers. Regarding the non-financial disclosures, their relevance with financial data is systematically promoted, by incorporating basic "best practices ESG KPIs" in all the main financial reports.
Tackling climate change
In August 2021, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in its Sixth Climate Change Assessment Report (AR6 WGI — The Physical Science Basis), stressed that the climate system is facing changes at an unprecedented scale. According to the Commission, climate change is already affecting many extreme weather and climate conditions around the world with the temperature rise expected to exceed 2°C unless greenhouse gas emissions are significantly reduced, achieving net zero in CO2 emissions and significant reductions in emissions of other greenhouse gases. At the same time, the International Energy Agency (IEA) states in the report "World Energy Outlook 2021″ that the recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic puts great pressure on the energy system, triggering sharp price increases in the gas, coal and electricity markets. It also points out that despite all the advances made by renewable energy and electricity mobility, 2021 will see a major uptake in coal and oil use, resulting in the second largest annual increase in CO2 emissions in history. It is highlighted that oil and gas price fluctuations as well as security of supply risks can be addressed, through the energy transition and the larger and faster growth of RES investment.
In this context, in 2021, MYTILINEOS developed and launched the implementation of specific action plans for each key initiative that contributes to achieving the ambitious goals of reducing its carbon footprint, set in 2020, based on scientific data on climate change. The development of action plans by the Business Units focuses on the utilization of existing technology as well as on the development of innovative solutions, taking into account the specific characteristics of each BU and the characteristics of the energy system. More specifically, the analysis of the main initiatives in specific actions include: implementation of strategic collaborations in the field of RES, best practices, pilot programs and actions, specific technical actions with application in production, optimization of existing procedures and participation in R&D programs, monitoring of new technologies for future application, etc. The action plans have been developed based on the current state and are going to be constantly renewed accordingly.
MYTILINEOS climate targets
Main Target | Reduction in total CO2e emissions (Scope 1 & 2) by −30% | |||
Business Unit | Relative Targets | Climate scenario | Key initiatives | |
Metallurgy | Total CO2e emissions (Scope 1 & 2) | -65% ↓ | ![]() |
Relative emissions CO2e/t Al | -75% ↓ | |||
Power & Gas | Relative emissions CO2e/MWh | ~50% ↓ |
| |
Renewables & Storage Development | Net-zero carbon footprint |
| ||
Sustainable Engineering Solutions | ||||
Main Target 2050 | Net-zero carbon footprint |
The following graph shows the evolution of the total CO2 emissions reduction (Scope 1 & 2) of MYTILINEOS compared to base year 2019. The Company, due to the operation of the new CCGT, a gas-fired power electricity production plant, is expected to reach the highest levels of its CO2 emissions at the end of 2023, after 1.5 years of full operation of the new plant. From this point onwards, a significant and gradual reduction in CO2 emissions is expected to begin as the majority of the decarbonization initiatives undertaken in all Business Units will be at an advanced stage of implementation.
Progress against the main MYTILINEOS target for the reduction of total CO2 emissions by −30% by 2030
Participation in international Sustainability initiatives
Following the publication of its climate targets, MYTILINEOS became in June 2021 an official supporter of the global initiative "Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures" (TCFD), in an attempt to adapt and address the impact of climate change on its activity. MYTILINEOS is the first Greek company included in the official list of supporters of this initiative. In this way the Company, with the aim to strengthen its resilience against climate change, as well as to take advantage of opportunities related to its business model and activities, started in 2021 to study the integration of the TCFD recommendations in its operation, which it aims to fully integrate by the end of 2023.
In addition, the Company committed to the global "Science Based Targets" initiative. As part of this commitment, the climate targets of the Company will be submitted within 2022 to the organization for scientific validation. MYTILINEOS is one of the first Greek industrial companies to commit to this initiative, reaffirming its commitment to the goals of the Paris Agreement and helping to address and mitigate climate change impacts nationally and globally.
ESG Approach
Developments in the regulatory framework for the disclosure of non-financial information and the integration of non-financial factors into traditional investment strategies and credit ratings, have significantly changed the way companies disclose sustainability information. Disclosure of corporate non-financial information and transparency on ESG topics are constantly evolving as companies strive to meet the growing demand for relevant information.
In this context, MYTILINEOS continues to adapt and act responsibly throughout its business operations, applying a holistic ESG approach that strengthens its ability to effectively manage relevant risks, to take advantage of the opportunities arising from sustainable development, as well as to increase the transparency of the ESG data incorporated in all annual publications, in order to contribute to the creation of long-term value for the organization, its shareholders, its social partners and the wider society.
Core elements of MYTILINEOS’ ESG approach:
Materiality: Identification and management of all Material ESG topics of the Company in the context of Sustainable Development.
Interaction: Provision of feedback on strategic options from the investor community regarding the ESG agenda and the increasing requirements of investors for transparency and accountability.
ESG as a risk factor: Integration of the Material ESG topics into the Company’s risk management system (ERM).
Alignment with the SDGs: Linking the results of the management of Material ESG topics to specific targets and sub-targets of the SDGs.
Regulatory reform: Continuous awareness and preparation for a smooth transition to the new European supervisory and regulatory framework.
Transparency & Accountability: Publication of Annual Reports, with emphasis on the ESG approach and the creation of value for all social partners, based on international standards and frameworks.
Management of ESG ratings: Publication of qualitative and quantitative data, aiming to achieve the best possible performance in ESG evaluations by specialized agencies.
To enhance the transparency of the data and effectively disclose how MYTILINEOS manages ESG topics, this report presents information about both the identification process and the management of each Material topic, emphasizing the challenges, potential risks and impacts on the Company, the management approaches, as well as the key results of the implemented policies. The Company’s provision of information to its Stakeholders on Non-Financial information will be completed with the release of the 2021 Sustainable Development Report at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in June 2022.
To better understand how MYTILINEOS manages its Material ESG topics, the above-mentioned information is supported by the principles and the guidance offered by key international non-financial reporting standards, including, among others, the GRI Standards, the ISO 26000 International Corporate Social Responsibility Standard, and the business model section of the International Council for Integrated Reporting (IIRC). They are also supported by ESG key performance indicators (KPIs) developed by the Company, which largely cover the requirements of both domestic and international investment initiatives, as well as the specific assessments carried out by analysts and independent assessment organizations.
ΕSG performance
The international ESG rating agencies systematically monitor the performance of MYTILINEOS and evaluate through their different methodologies the practices it applies for the management of ESG topics that are of interest to the investment community.
In this context, the organization’s ESG performance forms an integral part, and it is placed at the core of the holistic ESG approach of the Company. MYTILINEOS participates in 11 ESG ratings assessments annually, from independent organizations (ESG Raters), achieving in considerable progress recent years. In most of the ratings, MYTILINEOS’ performance can be directly compared to the performance of the leading companies in the world in terms of ESG integration.
In late 2021, Sustainalytics, one of the leading ESG rating agencies in the world, included MYTILINEOS in the list of "Industry Top Rated Companies", and this distinction is awarded to "Strong outperformers in their respective industries out of the Sustainalytics comprehensive coverage universe". This distinction comes as a result of the systematic effort made by MYTILINEOS for over 10 years in terms of responsible entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development, while MYTILINEOS has set an internal goal for further performance improvement by 2025.
In the following table, the ESG ratings in which MYTILINEOS participates and the corresponding ESG performance are presented. During 2021, the Company managed to improve or maintain its performance in almost all of the ratings.

Materiality Analysis
A key criterion that MYTILINEOS uses for the disclosure of ESG information, is the determination of topics that are relevant to its capacity to create value and that are of material significance to the organization itself, to its Stakeholders and, more broadly, to Sustainable Development.
The Materiality process is a key tool for the responsible operation of MYTILINEOS and contributes to the enrichment and formulation of its Sustainable Development strategy. It is a dynamic practice that is constantly evolving. The internal evaluation and prioritization of the material ESG topics is conducted both at a central and at a Business Unit level. In parallel, the Company, through an open dialogue with its social partners, feeds this process with new data annually. The evaluation cycle of the material topics is implemented every 2 years with a mid-term review.
As part of the Materiality process update, continuous improvement and the best possible response to the current requirements of the investment community and its social partners, MYTILINEOS is already considering the implementation of the "double materiality" approach. By applying this approach, the Company will include in the materiality analysis of the Sustainable Development topics, in addition to the criterion of their impact on sustainable development, also the criterion of their impact on the financial performance the Company.
During the 2021 materiality process, the Company proceeded with the identification of potential material Sustainability topics based on the internal and external sources, putting special emphasis on the topics proposed by the SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board) standard for each of the MYTILINEOS Business Units. Subsequently, the topics were prioritized by the 4 Business Units in terms of the extent to which they affect the Company's ability to meet its business objectives, as well as in terms of their impact on sustainable development. The findings of this internal exercise were combined with the corresponding findings of the relevant field survey conducted on more than 1,500 individuals, institutions and organizations from all MYTILINEOS Social Partner groups. In addition, through the alignment of the material topics with the Global Sustainable Development Goals, the Company strengthens its ability to effectively manage them in accordance with international best practices. The result of the 2021 process is presented in the table below:
ESG | Material Topics 2021 | Relative |
Environmental | Pollution Prevention | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ecological Impacts | ![]() | |
Energy & Air Emissions | ![]() ![]() | |
Water Management | ![]() ![]() | |
Adaptation to Climate Change | ![]() | |
Circular Economy | ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Social | Occupational Health & Safety | ![]() ![]() |
Employment | ![]() ![]() | |
Human Rights | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Equal Opportunities | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Responsible Supply Chain | ![]() ![]() | |
Sustainability of Local Communities | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Business Continuity | ![]() | |
Governance | Business Ethics | |
Regulatory Compliance | ![]() | |
Operating Model | ![]() |
European Taxonomy of Sustainable Investments
In order to meet the EU's climate and energy targets by 2030 and the European Green Deal targets, it is vital to focus investment on sustainable projects and activities. The current COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced the need to redirect funds to sustainable projects in order to make economies, businesses and societies — especially health systems — more resilient to climate and environmental shocks.
To achieve this requires the development of a common language and a clear definition of what is "sustainable". That is why the action plan to finance sustainable growth has created a common classification system for sustainable economic activities, the European Taxonomy.
The European taxonomy is a classification system that compiles a list of environmentally sustainable economic activities. It aims to play an important role in helping the EU increase sustainable investment under the Europe Green Deal. The EU classification will provide companies, investors and policymakers with appropriate definitions for which economic activities can be considered environmentally sustainable.
In this direction, in 2021, MYTILINEOS proceeded to review its financial activities in order to determine which of them fall within the framework of the European Taxonomy, as defined by Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (art. 8), and then to publish related financial KPIs such as revenue, capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operating expenses (OPEX) related to these activities.
The EU Taxonomy is a classification system, of activities that can under certain conditions be considered as environmentally sustainable or as activities that enable the transition to environmental sustainability. Under the Taxonomy regulation, companies and organizations can attract funds to develop their sustainable activities as well as expand them further, provided they meet certain criteria. The compliance with said criteria is monitored continuously and reported on an annual basis, included in the non-financial section of the respective annual report. As part of the reporting process, we disclose in the following section the key performance indicators relating to Taxonomy-eligible activities for the FY2021:
Eligible | Non-eligible | ||
Turnover | ![]() | 55% | 45% |
CapEx | ![]() | 72% | 28% |
OpEx | ![]() | 46% | 54% |
Qualitative information
Accounting Policy
The figures presented in this report have been calculated and are presented in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) that have been issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and their interpretations that have been issued by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) of the IASB. Their preparation requires estimations during the application of the Group’s accounting principles. Important admissions are presented wherever it has been judged appropriate.
In the present report we present the proportion of the total turnover from the sale of goods or provisions of services, as well as the total CapEx and OpEx of the Group’s economic activities that correspond to activities determined to be eligible for EU Taxonomy purposes according to the description of these activities and taking into account the respective NACE activity codes, as these are presented in the Delegated Act 2021/2139/EU. Since we are currently in the first period of implementation of the Taxonomy framework (1/1 — 31/12/2022), the Group’s economic activities were reviewed and ultimately included/excluded solely on eligibility basis and no testing for alignment has been conducted against the technical screening criteria provided in the related Delegated Acts.
Taking into consideration the above, the presented proportions have been calculated using the following approach:
i. Proportion of the total turnover. It was calculated based solely on the total net turnover from the sale of goods and provision of services. The numerator includes only the activities that are considered to be eligible according to the Taxonomy regulation and under the condition that said revenue does not include own use and intergroup transactions.
ii. Proportion of the total CapEx. It was calculated based on the capitalized expenses incurred for additions to assets or processes corresponding to eligible economic activities. The numerator includes only the activities that are considered to be eligible according to the Taxonomy regulation.
iii.Proportion of the total CapEx. It was calculated based on the operating expenses related to the repair and maintenance of assets or processes corresponding to eligible economic activities. The numerator includes only the activities that are considered to be eligible according to the Taxonomy regulation.
Manufacture of aluminium
Activity eligibility breakdown | |||
Turnover | ![]() | Eligible | 18% |
CapEx | ![]() | Eligible | 14% |
OpEx | ![]() | Eligible | 15% |
Taxonomy activity description:
This activity consists of the manufacture of aluminium through primary alumina (bauxite) process or secondary aluminium recycling.
Eligible Mytilineos activity description:
The Group operates the only vertically integrated alumina and aluminium production and marketing unit in the EU as well as a secondary aluminium production unit. The production process includes the manufacture of primary aluminium through the processing of alumina (aluminium oxide) by electrolytic method and the recycling of secondary aluminium. The Group’s production capacity reaches 250,000 tonnes of aluminium (primary and secondary cast). Their industrial complex in Ag. Nikolaos, Boeotia, which operates for over 50 years, has achieved continuous growth by the adoption of production and commercial practices comparable to those of the leading metallurgical industries worldwide, and by over €600 million of investments in the technological modernization of the plant’s facilities and the increase of its production and productivity — one of the largest private investments to be carried out in Greece recently.
Electricity generation using solar photovoltaic technology
Activity eligibility breakdown | |||
Turnover | ![]() | Eligible | 13% |
CapEx | ![]() | Eligible | 3% |
OpEx | ![]() | Eligible | 17% |
Taxonomy activity description:
This activity consists of the construction or operation of electricity generation facilities that produce electricity using solar photovoltaic (PV) technology.
Eligible Mytilineos activity description:
The Group. through its subsidiary METKA EGN is one of the leading manufacturers of photovoltaic and energy storage projects worldwide. This positions the Group as global manufacturer and contractor for solar energy projects, offering reliable solutions across the entire range of the activities involved in developing such projects, from autonomous solar parks and energy storage projects to complex hybrid projects. The broader strategy of the Renewables & Storage Development Business Unit apart from the construction of external projects includes the use of the Build-Own-Transfer ("BOT") business model for the development of photovoltaic projects, utilizing construction technology proprietary to the Group and currently working on (including completed) about 2.5 GW of solar power plants and 400 MW of energy storage projects on all five continents. Moreover, the Group has completed the construction and connection to the grid of three PV projects with a capacity of 118 MW in Australia. The construction of the solar parks is part of the total investment portfolio, which was acquired by the RSD BU, in 2019, through its subsidiary METKA EGN in the Australian continent with a total capacity of 250 MW. Utilizing the portfolio of permits for Photovoltaic Power Plants in Cyprus with a total capacity of 26 MW the Group moved forward with the gradual construction and connection to the grid of two PV projects with a maximum capacity up to 3.4 MW in 2021. In 2020 there were also acquired a portfolio of permits for Photovoltaic Power Plants in Spain with a total capacity of 100MW, in Australia (185 MW) and in the UK (136 MW). Finally, the Group (through the Power and Gas BU), operates PV plants with a maximum capacity up to 11.5 MW in Greece.
Electricity generation from wind power
Activity eligibility breakdown | |||
Turnover | ![]() | Eligible | 2% |
CapEx | ![]() | Eligible | 13% |
OpEx | ![]() | Eligible | 1% |
Taxonomy activity description:
Construction or operation of electricity generation facilities that produce electricity from wind power.
Eligible Mytilineos activity description:
The Group owns and operates wind farms of combined capacity up to 211MW in Serres, Euboea, Fokida, Boeotia and Aitoloakarnania. In 2020, the construction of a new Wind Park with a maximum capacity up to 43 MW was also initiated.
Electricity generation from hydropower
Activity eligibility breakdown | |||
Turnover | ![]() | Eligible | 0.01% |
CapEx | ![]() | Eligible | 0.05% |
OpEx | ![]() | Eligible | 0% |
Taxonomy activity description:
Construction or operation of electricity generation facilities that produce electricity from hydropower.
Eligible Mytilineos activity description:
The Group owns and operates four small hydropower plants in Aitoloakarnania and Fthiotida of a combined capacity up to 6.06 MW.
Storage of electricity
Activity eligibility breakdown | |||
Turnover | ![]() | Eligible | 1% |
CapEx | ![]() | Eligible | 1% |
OpEx | ![]() | Eligible | 0% |
Taxonomy activity description:
Construction and operation of facilities that store electricity and return it at a later time in the form of electricity. The activity includes pumped hydropower storage.
Eligible Mytilineos activity description:
The Group, has already completed (2020) about 300 MW of energy storage projects in all five continents. In 2021, the Group was awarded a total sum of 26 MW for battery energy storage systems (BESS) to provide Fast Reserve grid services for Terna, the Italian Transmission System Operator. The commissioning of the projects is expected to take place during Q4 of 2022, when both systems are expected to start providing Fast Reserve services to the Italian grid from 2023 until 2027. Finally, the Group has undertaken the construction of electricity storage units as part of a broader PV plant construction project in England.
Electricity generation from fossil gaseous fuels
Activity eligibility breakdown | |||
Turnover | ![]() | Eligible | 19% |
CapEx | ![]() | Eligible | 40% |
OpEx | ![]() | Eligible | 11% |
Taxonomy activity description:
Construction or operation of electricity generation facilities that produce electricity using fossil gaseous fuels. This activity does not include electricity generation from the exclusive use of renewable non-fossil gaseous and liquid fuels and biogas and bio-liquid fuels.
Eligible Mytilineos activity description:
The Group, through Protergia, brings together under the same roof the management of all MYTILINEOS energy-related fixed assets and activities. The Company today ranks as one of the leading private sector actors in the electric power market and is the largest independent electric power producer and supplier in Greece. The portfolio of energy assets totaling more than 1,200 MWh of installed capacity, accounts for over 13.5% of the licensed thermal plant production capacity in place in the country and includes the thermal plants in Ag. Nikolaos, Boeotia (444.48 ΜW) and Ag. Theodoroi, Corinth (436.6 ΜW). At the same time, the Group through the SES BU is in the process of construction of a power generation plant with a maximum capacity up to 650 MW in Tobruk, Libya, which will also possess dual-fuel capabilities (natural gas or liquid fuel) as well as the power generation plants using natural gas in Ghana and Nigeria.
Note regarding activities of electricity generation from fossil gaseous fuels (Delegated act 2022)
The Group is active in the construction as well as the operation of facilities for generation/co-generation of electricity utilizing fossil gaseous fuels. However, since the relevant regulation remains in deliberation at the time of publication of the present report.
High-efficiency co-generation of heat/cool and power from fossil gaseous fuels
Activity eligibility breakdown | |||
Turnover | ![]() | Eligible | 2% |
CapEx | ![]() | Eligible | 0% |
OpEx | ![]() | Eligible | 3% |
Taxonomy activity description:
Construction, refurbishment, and operation of combined heat/cool and power generation facilities using fossil gaseous fuels. This activity does not include high-efficiency co-generation of heat/cool and power from the exclusive use of renewable non-fossil gaseous and liquid fuels and biogas and bio-liquid fuels.
Eligible Mytilineos activity description:
The Group, in 2021 continued the construction of a new dual-fuel Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP) with maximum capacity up to 110 MW in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Note regarding activities of electricity generation from fossil gaseous fuels (Delegated act 2022)
The Group is active in the construction as well as the operation of facilities for generation/co-generation of electricity utilizing fossil gaseous fuels. However, since the relevant regulation remains in deliberation at the time of publication of the present report.
Minimum Safeguards
MYTILINEOS creates value for its Social Partners through its business activities, making a substantial contribution to the economy, to employment and to the development of its local communities.
The responsible operation of MYTILINEOS, has been systematically cultivated over the last 12 years through the implementation of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy and the Company's commitment to the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact. For MYTILINEOS, CSR is an ongoing self-improvement and incessant learning process, while also serves as a key mechanism for renewing its "social license to operate" and, at the same time, improves its competitiveness at national and international level.
Sustainable Development is an integral part of the "corporate DNA" of MYTILINEOS and, therefore, of its long-term business strategy. It is the driving force through which the Company aspires to remain competitive in the long term, to meet contemporary challenges and, by developing appropriate partnerships, to contribute to a new and efficient model of socially inclusive growth, as this is reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Company’s business model is at the center of its operation. We utilize our available resources in accordance with our vision, mission and business values, to produce and market our products and services, while also contributing to the Global Sustainable Development Goals (UN 2030 Agenda) and creating value for our Social Partners. The relevant key performance indicators, together with descriptions of the interrelationships between the resources utilized in the context of our Business Model, is available at:
The aim of the Integrated Value Creation Scorecard (
The Sustainability Actions Map (
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
Our Code of Conduct has been developed taking into account the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. We have implemented a custom training program in the Company’s Code of Business Conduct for our employees. We applied our "Zero Tolerance" approach in connection with incidents of corruption and bribery in all our activities, both domestically and internationally. We successfully continued the dialogue with our Stakeholders, implementing a special thematic Consultation focused on the creation of our corporate Human Rights Policy, gaining the almost universal acceptance and support of all our Stakeholder groups for this initiative of the Company.
Respect of Human and Labour Rights
Since 2008, MYTILINEOS has committed itself to complying with the Compact’s 10 Principles, annually publishing its relevant performance, both in terms of its overall operation and its broader transactions. MYTILINEOS is committed to the first six Principles of the UN Global Compact, which are based on, among others, the internationally recognized principles on the protection of Human Rights, as these are defined in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. The Company's commitment to monitoring and publishing the impacts of its activity in this area, together with the Code of Business Conduct, which is addressed to all levels in the Company's hierarchy, promote the protection of and respect for Human Rights, mitigating the likelihood of such incidents occurring in the Company's working environment. Furthermore, during 2020 we have proceeded with the elaboration of a specialized Human Rights Policy, in dialogue with our Social Partners, during which MYTILINEOS listened to the views of all its Social Partners on the key points of the policy and integrated them into its final corporate policy document. The Human Rights Policy expresses the Company's zero tolerance of any violation of Human Rights. We fully protected labour rights as well as the other categories of Human Rights related to our activity.
Responsible Risk Management
MYTILINEOS’ has developed a systematic approach to the recording, optimal management and disclosure of information about the ESG risks and opportunities that affect its performance, as well as about its efforts to implement its strategy. Through the ESG approach, MYTILINEOS strengthens its ability to create long-term value and manage significant changes in the environment in which it operates. In this way, it responds to the modern-day sustainability requirements of investors, capital markets and financial institutions, as well as to society's expectations of commitment and transparency regarding these issues, whose number keeps increasing.
Climate Change risks and opportunities
Furthermore, the Company has already incorporated in its strategic priorities the implementation of a study to identify the risks and opportunities from the impacts of climate change on its activity. In 2021, MYTILINEOS will join the CDP Climate Change international initiative, while according to its current planning, by the end of 2022 the Company intends to fully adopt the climate-related financial risk disclosures framework regarding the analysis of the risks and impacts of climate change, by following the relevant recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
For more information about the ESG and Sustainability strategic plan and in addition how the Company is managing the TCFD recommendations, please review the "TCFD Content Index" section of the Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report.
The MYTILINEOS Sustainable Development Report is published annually and refers to the review of the Company's non-financial performance, supplementing its Annual Financial Report. It is also available online at the official website of MYTILINEOS
Measuring the impact of the MYTILINEOS activity on the natural environment is an ever-evolving process. The Company is committed to reducing its carbon and environmental footprint, both with the application of new technologies and appropriate sustainable investments and with the implementation of an integrated environmental management system certified according to the international standard ISO 14001:2015. The system is supported by individual environmental policies, by investments in order to upgrade the production units, utilizing the new technological developments, as well as by the application of Best Available Techniques per Business Unit.
Relevant Sustainable Development Goals to which MYTILINEOS contributes to the appropriate extent

Adaptation to climate change
Sustainable development challenges | MYTILINEOS owns coastal industrial facilities in Greece and operates in countries where the impacts of climate change are more intense. Moreover, the Company’s mining activity, which is directly related to natural resources, may face a range of challenges and problems caused by the changes in the climate, such as the production of alumina, due to the significant water needs of the process. The main challenge for the Company is to assess the vulnerability of its activities to climate change, considering existing and expected climate events and the impacts that these are projected to have. |
Commitment | Enhancement of the resilience of the MYTILINEOS production units and adaptation of its activities to the existing and potential impacts of climate change. |
Major risks |
Management / control practices |
The following measures are implemented in each Business Unit: In addition, the Company has already begun to adapt to the recommendations of the international initiative Task Force on Climate — Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), in each of the four specific thematic units: Governance, Strategy, Risk Management, Indicators and Targets. More detailed information is published in the Sustainable Development Report of the Company in the relevant TCFD Content Index. |
International reference frameworks & management systems |
Results & relevant targets |
Performance evaluation & continuous improvement |
Energy & Air Emissions
Sustainable development challenges | The Company’s electric power generation and aluminium production activities are the primary sources of its energy consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, which contribute to climate change, and which constitute a significant operating cost. The commitment to gradually reduce its carbon footprint is one of the Company’s most important challenges under its new Sustainable Development strategy. |
Commitment | Responsible use of energy and other natural resources, in accordance with the main axes of the MYTILINEOS Environmental policy. Achievement of the ambitious targets of reducing CO2 emissions by 30% and a net-zero carbon footprint by 2030 and 2050 respectively. |
Major risks |
Management / Control practices |
International reference frameworks & management systems |
Results |
Performance evaluation & continuous improvement |
Water management
Sustainable development challenges | MYTILINEOS uses significant amounts of water in specific sectors and areas of activity. Therefore, maintaining rational withdrawal, use, consumption and discharge of water is an important topic for the Company, in the context of its contribution to the national and international effort for responsible management of water resources. |
Commitment | Responsible management of water withdrawal, use and discharge, in accordance with the main axes of the MYTILINEOS Environmental policy. |
Major risks | The main potential risks relate to the main production units of the Company and are the following:
Management / Control practices | With the aim of more efficient water management, the Company implements effective water management practices and continuous improvement programs in all its main production units. Particularly:
International reference standards |
Results |
KPI Unit 2020 2021 D Total water withdrawal ML 170,327.5 169,088.4 -0.7% Total water discharge ML 163,724.1 162,131.9 -1% Total water consumption ML 6,603.4 6,956.5 5.4% |
Performance evaluation & continuous improvement |
Pollution prevention
Sustainable development challenges | The effective prevention of any form of pollution of the natural environment from the Company’s production activity (air emissions, solid and liquid waste, use of chemical substances) and from any potential major industrial accidents is a main challenge for the Company. |
Commitment | Prevention of any identified risk of pollution from the activities of the Company, in accordance with the main axes of the Environmental policy of MYTILINEOS. |
Major risks |
Management / Control practices |
International reference standards |
Results & targets |
Performance evaluation & continuous improvement |
Ecological impacts
Sustainable development challenges | The protection of biodiversity and the restoration of the natural landscape of the usable land areas associated with its business activities, constitute a material challenge for MYTILINEOS in the context of reducing its ecological impacts and contributing to sustainable development. |
Commitment | Safeguarding biodiversity and ecosystems during mining activities and during the development and operation of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) projects in protected Natura areas, according to the main axes of the MYTILINEOS Environmental policy. |
Major risks | Ineffective prevention of negative impacts on the flora and fauna in the wider area of the Company’s activities would lead to environmental degradation, raising issues of non-compliance with the applicable legislation. In such a case, the consequences for the Company would include the disruption of business development and growth, due to the impact on its reputation and financial position. |
Management / Control practices | MYTILINEOS implements targeted actions for the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems in the areas where it operates or adjacent to them and wherever there are endangered or protected species of flora and fauna.
International reference standards |
Results & relevant targets |
Performance evaluation & continuous improvement |
Circular Economy
Sustainable development challenges | The management of all hazardous and non-hazardous waste and especially bauxite residues, the reduction of the amount of waste sent to landfill, the reuse of water and the proper management of water discharges constitute key challenges for the Company. |
Commitment | Control, continuous reduction and proper management of solid and liquid waste, with the implementation of recovery, reuse and recycling techniques where possible, in accordance with the main axes of the MYTILINEOS Environmental policy and the application of Best Available Techniques in the production process. |
Major risks | The gradual reduction of available bauxite disposal sites represents a key environmental risk for MYTILINEOS, which may lead to negative impacts on the Company’s social and financial performance. |
Management / Control practices | In the Metallurgy Business Unit, which accounts for 99% of the Company’s total waste:
The total funding of the programs, in the period 2017-2025, exceeds 120 million Euros, out of which 8.7 million Euros is the funding of the Metallurgy BU of MYTILINEOS. In each BU and production facility:
International reference standards |
Results |
KPI Unit 2020 2021 D Total solid waste generated t 839,399.6 934,733.8 11.4% |
Performance evaluation & continuous improvement |
MYTILINEOS is committed to staying true to its goal of ensuring a healthy and safe work environment without accidents. The Company implements an integrated and certified management system for Health and Safety at Work in all Business Units, designed to minimize risks, implement continuous measures to prevent accidents and occupational diseases, ensure continuous training of employees, as well as strengthen the work culture. The system is certified according to the international standard ISO 45001:2018. At the same time, MYTILINEOS continues to operate with a sense of responsibility and consistency towards its people, investing in education and the development of their skills, and constantly seeking the establishment of a working environment without inequalities, discrimination and exclusion.
Finally, key strategic priorities for the Company that help to meet the modern challenges of sustainable development are continuing to support the sustainability of local communities as well as promoting a responsible supply chain.
Relevant Sustainable Development Goals to which MYTILINEOS contributes to the appropriate extent

Occupational Health and Safety
Sustainable development challenges |
Commitment | MYTILINEOS continues to take constant care to ensure the achievement of the only acceptable target of "ZERO ACCIDENTS AND ZERO OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES", which is also the major challenge for the industrial and construction sectors, according to key elements of the MYTILINEOS Occupational Health and Safety policy. |
Major risks |
Management/ control practices | Occupational Health and Safety (HS) is a line of responsibility that begins from the Management and the General Divisions and extends to all stages of production of all MYTILINEOS Business Units. To address the relevant risks:
International reference standards |
Results & relevant targets |
Performance evaluation & continuous improvement |
Human Rights
Sustainable development challenges | The key challenge for the Company is the protection and respect of Human Rights, especially labor and social rights, related to its activity as well as ensuring the avoidance of any involvement in incidents of Human Rights violations which may be caused by another partner, State bodies, natural persons or other groups with which the Company cooperates in the countries where it operates. |
Commitment | Zero tolerance for the violation of Human Rights, according to the key elements of the Human Rights Policy of MYTILINEOS, the "Code of Business Conduct" and the "Suppliers & Business Partners Code of Conduct" |
Major risks | MYTILINEOS, due to its activity in developing countries abroad, primarily through the Sustainable Engineering Solutions (SES) Business Unit and the Renewables & Storage Development (RSD) Business Unit, acknowledges risks related to human rights, both within its working environment and its business and within its main suppliers and business partners. These risks (such as activities that may affect or involve children, culture of corruption, inequalities in the workplace, restriction of human rights at the local community level etc.) may affect the Company’s financial, human and social capital, through their potential impact on its reputation and its "social license to operate", and may lead to legal sanctions as well as to emergency measures beyond those imposed by normal business conditions. |
Management / control practices |
International reference standards |
Results |
Performance evaluation & continuous improvement |
Sustainable development challenges | Employment is considered an extremely important topic for MYTILINEOS, due to the high localization and large number of employees. Creating opportunities for long-term employment of employees also contributes to the viability of the local communities in which the Company operates. Focusing on issues such as: working environment, wages, benefits, working time, rest periods, leaves of absence, disciplinary and redundancy practices, protection of motherhood, mental health, and other welfare issues is critical in order to ensure the satisfaction and retention of our employees. |
Commitment | Development, management, and retention of human resources, through the implementation of practices that promote an inclusive work environment, with equal opportunities and respect for Human Rights, in accordance with the key elements of the Human Rights Policy of MYTILINEOS. |
Major risks | Increasing labor market competitiveness and employee turnover can lead to reduced productivity, the loss of valuable knowledge and expertise gained through their employment, as well as the loss of the financial investment and of the time required for their training. The Company may also incur increased costs due to turnover and the need to replace qualified personnel. |
Management/ control practices | Key elements of the Company’s approach to Employment:
International reference standards |
Results |
Performance evaluation & continuous improvement |
Equal opportunities
Sustainable development challenges | Ensuring equal opportunities by eliminating discriminatory policies and practices (pay, age, gender, disability, race, nationality, origin, religion, sexual orientation or other status) and promoting actions to provide a work environment where each employee has exactly the same rights and is treated fairly and according to the abilities they have to fulfill their respective role. |
Commitment | Providing equal opportunities without discrimination, in accordance with the main axes of the MYTILINEOS Human Rights Policy. |
Major risks | These risks include inequalities that mainly concern education and training, the provision of remuneration, as well as the provision of opportunities for employee development. Such risks can affect employee morale and productivity, while pay inequalities can hinder the retention of skilled employees and may jeopardize the Company’s reputation as a responsible employer. |
Management / control practices | The MYTILINEOS Human Rights Policy includes the Company’s commitment to equal opportunities, zero tolerance of abusive or inappropriate behavior, fair treatment, gender equality and respect for the confidentiality of personal data (GDPR). In 2021, priority was given to the collection and analysis of data from the different Business Units to deepen the understanding of these issues, with the aim to formulate an action plan with the primary purpose of informing and training the MYTILINEOS Executives. Indicative initial studies and ongoing actions are mentioned below:
International reference framework |
Results | Already from 2020, MYTILINEOS started developing a methodology for the data collection and analysis that enables the understanding of the equal pay index between men and women. In 2021, the average deviation was calculated in order to prepare from 2023 a relevant study and to design an action plan for the gradual elimination of the pay gap between women and men. Based on the initial analyses, the pay gap between men and women in the Executive category seems to be estimated and maintained at rates below 10%. Due to the geographical dispersion, complexity of operations and the different business activities of MYTILINEOS, before the Company publishes specific indicators, it has set as a priority the identification of the different causes that create such discrepancies in each of the Executive, Administrative and Staff categories. |
Performance evaluation & continuous improvement |
Responsible Supply Chain
Sustainable development challenges | Responsible supply chain management is gradually being integrated into the regulatory framework at European and national level. Through due diligence processes, partnerships with supply chain members can ensure better risk management, exploitation of business opportunities and the transformation into a value chain capable of creating enhanced economic and social value. |
Commitment | Creating a responsible supply chain based on ESG criteria and according to Suppliers & Business partners Code of Conduct. |
Major risks | Lack of responsible practices in the Company’s supply chain can be a source of various risks, such as: increased environmental impact, Health and Safety risks, human rights violations, risks related to ethics and compliance issues, with consequences for the reputation and credibility of MYTILINEOS as well as potential financial sanctions. |
Management / control practices | MYTILINEOS seeks to develop strong and long-term relationships of trust and mutual benefit with its suppliers and partners. The Company has as a priority to support its local communities, forging partnerships with local suppliers and contractors while at the same time, in the framework of its sustainable development strategy, it has started implementing special initiatives aimed at expanding responsible practices in its supply chain.
International reference standards |
Results & relevant targets |
Sustainability of local communities
Sustainable development challenges | The creation of safe and sustainable local communities and cities without exclusions, with the development of local employment and economy, with the fight against poverty, the strengthening of social inclusion, the education and development of the new generation’s professional skills, the upgrading of local infrastructure, support for vulnerable social groups such as women and children, as well as the protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage. |
Commitment | The consistent implementation of its social policy with actions and initiatives that enhance the coexistence of MYTILINEOS with its local communities and the wider society. Respect for the rights of citizens of local communities adjacent to the Company’s industrial units, according to the main axes of the MYTILINEOS Human Rights Policy and the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy. |
Major risks | The Company’s failure to promptly identify and manage the changing social, economic and cultural characteristics of its local communities may negate the existing assumption that the Company is fully integrated in these communities and has common interests with them. This may affect the preservation of the Company’s "social license to operate", and may possibly restrict its future growth. |
Management / Control practices |
International reference frameworks |
Results |
Performance evaluation & continuous improvement |
Business Continuity
Sustainable development challenges | The development of the capacity of an organization to ensure the uninterrupted supply of products / services (without affecting their quality / availability) in emergency situations, such as e.g. natural disasters, epidemic / pandemic crisis or other adverse events (and combinations thereof) as well as issues of internal operation & organization such as e.g. shutdown of critical IT applications, failures of suppliers / subcontractors, shortages of human resources, etc. |
Commitment | Ensuring business continuity, protection of the environment and health and safety in case of emergency, in accordance with the main axes of the Occupational Health and Safety Policy and the Environmental Policy of MYTILINEOS. |
Major risks | A low degree of preparedness and response to emergency incidents (fires, explosions, land subsidence, release of chemicals to the environment, transportation of products, waste, natural hazards such as climatic and seismic events, health and safety incidents and other hazards), may have serious consequences on the employees, the local community and the natural environment but also on the smooth operation of the MYTILINEOS activities and thereby its reputation and its financial results. |
Management / control practices | As management of emergency incidents is a top priority for MYTILINEOS, appropriate Emergency Prevention and Response Plans (for fire, explosion, leakages, natural phenomena, extreme weather conditions etc.) are applied in all Business Units of the Company, in order to deal effectively with all incidents that result in deviations from their normal operation with potential serious consequences for the environment and for the health and safety of employees and the local communities.
International reference frameworks & management systems |
Results |
Performance evaluation & continuous improvement |
MYTILINEOS aims to integrate sustainability and integrity into processes and decision-making across its full range of operations.
The present section does not include the Corporate Governance information which is presented in detail in the corresponding section "Statement of Corporate Governance" of this Report. In addition, the presentation of the Company's business model is included in the relevant section entitled "Business Model" of this Report.
Relevant Sustainable Development Goals to which MYTILINEOS contributes to the appropriate extent

Business Ethics
Sustainable development challenges | MYTILINEOS acknowledges that corruption, bribery, fraud, distortion of healthy competition and money laundering undermine the moral environment of businesses and have a wide range of negative impacts that include Human Rights violations, adverse impacts on the environment, and impediments to the distribution of wealth and to country economic development. These impacts represent a major obstacle to Sustainable Development, have a disproportionate impact on poor communities, and corrode the societal structure. |
Commitment | Zero tolerance of corruption and bribery, according to the main axes of the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, the Code of Business Conduct and the Suppliers & Business Partners Code of Conduct. |
Major risks | By operating in developing countries with high energy needs, which according to the annual Transparency International Corruption Perception Index are countries with a high risk of corruption, MYTILINEOS may be exposed to risks involving facilitation payments or the extension of other benefits to the local partners in order to ensure the continuation of the projects’ smooth operation. |
Management / Control practices | Addressing corruption and bribery is a key element of the MYTILINEOS Code of Business Conduct and its Suppliers and Business Partners Code of Conduct. For MYTILINEOS, the reference point when it comes to addressing corruption and bribery, is the principle of integrity, which relates to its long-standing commitment of zero tolerance of such issues. MYTILINEOS undertakes a number of measures to implement this commitment:
International reference standards |
Results & targets |
Performance evaluation & continuous improvement |
Legal Compliance
Sustainable development challenges | Maintaining regulatory compliance at environmental, social and product level, in order to ensure that the overall corporate activity is lawful, meets high standards of responsible entrepreneurship and strengthens the trust between the Company and its Social Partners. |
Commitment | Operation in full harmony, compliance and observance of the applicable legislation and operating principles in each region or country of activity, in accordance with the main axes of the Code of Business Conduct and the Suppliers & Business Partners Code of Conduct. |
Major risks |
The above potential risks could have a significant impact on the profitability, financial position, and cash flows of MYTILINEOS and, consequently, on its ability to meet its obligations. |
Management / Control practices |
International reference standards |
Results & targets |
Performance evaluation & continuous improvement |
Presentation of selected ESG performance indicators, in the context of the Material Topics presented in this Non-Financial Disclosure Report.
ESG Pillar | ESG KPIs | ESG ATHEX KPIs | 2020 | 2021 |
E | Total CO2 Emissions (Scope 1 & 2 — t CO2e) | C-E1 C-E2 | 4,459,424 | 4,063,959 |
Metallurgy BU: CO2 Emissions (Scope 1 & 2 — t CO2e) | 2,840,274 | 2,619,917 | ||
Metallurgy BU: Relative CO2 Emissions (t CO2e Scope 1 & 2 / t primary aluminum | 6.98 | 6.53 | ||
Power & Gas BU: Relative CO2 Emissions (Scope 1 & 2 — kg CO2e / MWh of electricity produced) | 324 | 322 | ||
Revenue generated from products & services with environmental benefits (% of total | A-S5 | - | 55% | |
Total CO2 emissions avoided | 287,088 | 250,113 | ||
Electricity production from RES (% of total energy production) | 8.6% | 9.7% | ||
Total NOx & SOx Emissions (t) | SS-E2 | 4,670 | 4,577 | |
Solid waste recycled and reused (% of total solid waste generated) | SS-E5 | 18.6% | 24.9% | |
Waste to landfill (% of total non-hazardous solid waste generated) | SS-E5 | 2.4% | 2.0% | |
Fresh water | SS-E3 | 5,245 | 5,301 | |
Recovery in areas used during the mining process (%) | 83.3% | 84.3% | ||
S | Total employment (direct & indirect employees) | 3,856 | 4,823 | |
Part — Time employees (%) (direct employees) | 0.5% | 0.6% | ||
Voluntary employee turnover | C-S3 | 6.0% | 6.1% | |
Number of fatalities (direct & indirect employees) | SS-S6 | 1 | 1 | |
Total Recordable Incident Rate per 200,000 working hours (direct | SS-S6 | 0.53 | 0.85 | |
Total Recordable Incident Rate per 200,000 working hours (indirect | SS-S6 | 0.38 | 0.29 | |
Women in the workforce (%) | C-S1 | 19.0% | 18.7% | |
Women in management | C-S2 | 19.4% | 21.1% | |
Average number of training days per employee (days / year) | C-S4 | 2.0 | 1.8 | |
Number of total beneficiaries from company’s social programs / initiatives | 31,602 | 52,899 | ||
Number of suppliers trained on UN Global Compact Principles | 50 | 35 | ||
G | UK Corporate Governance Code compliance (%) | 70% | 75% | |
Board members | 11 | 11 | ||
Board independence (%) | 64% | 64% | ||
Board diversity (% of female Board Members) | 20% | 27% | ||
Audit Committee independence (%) | 100% | 100% | ||
Remuneration Committee independence (%) | 100% | 100% | ||
Sustainability Committee | C-G1 | Yes | Yes | |
Variable Executive Pay Linked to Sustainability | Yes | Yes | ||
Corruption & Bribery incidents | 0 | 0 | ||
Total monetary losses from Code of Conduct violations (€) | SS-G1 | 0 | 0 | |
Total monetary losses of non-compliance with environmental, social, labour and financial laws/regulations (€) | 0 | 0 |